Monthly Trophies

This trophies will be automatically assigned every month

  1. Most overall threads

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most threads overall

    Awarded 34 times

  2. Most posts in one month

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most posts in the last month

    Awarded 34 times

  3. Most threads last month

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most threads last month

    Awarded 27 times

  4. Most overall Posts

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most posts overall

    Awarded 34 times

  5. Highest word count per post

    Monthly Trophy - User with the highest word count

    Awarded 34 times

  6. Most profile hits

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most profile hits

    Awarded 34 times

  7. Most wall comments

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most wall comments

    Awarded 0 times

  8. Most JCoins

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most JCoins

    Awarded 34 times

  9. Most JCoins in the last month

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most JCoins in the last month

    Awarded 34 times

  10. Most JCoins transfers

    Monthly Trophy - User with the most JCoins transfers in the last month

    Awarded 34 times